• Social Media Post Ideas For Hotels   

TravelBoom Marketing;

Social media is an important part of your hotel marketing strategy. It has evolved more rapidly than any other marketing platform in history and doesn’t show any sign of slowing down.

As a hotel, the thought of establishing a social media presence from the ground up can be daunting. Even for seasoned social media professionals, concocting creative and engaging social content can seem exhausting.

Well, fret no more. Our team of hotel marketing experts collaborated with some of our top hotel social media clients to compile a complete list of social media post ideas for hotels.

Hotel marketers can utilize these ideas to create a content calendar with engaging content that is relevant to both your hotel and target audience.

 Our Top 50 Social Media Post Ideas For Hotels

  1. Property-Shared Travel Tips & Tricks
  2. Guest-Shared Travel Tips & Tricks
  3. Property Trivia
  4. Hotel News
  5. Hotel Events (conferences, charity events, parties, etc.)
  6. Staff or Employee Highlights
  7. Positive Guest Reviews
  8. Amenity Tours or Highlights
  9. Room Tours or Highlights
  10. On-Site Dining Tours or Highlights (including chef specials or favorites)
  11. Positive Media or News Coverage About the Hotel
  12. Special Offers
  13. Local Discount Programs or Discounted Partner Tickets
  14. Loyalty Program Information
  15. Event Space Tours or Highlights
  16. Catering Menu & Photography
  17. Special Event Photography
  18. Area Tips & Tricks
  19. Area Trivia
  20. Nearby Attractions (with mileage for walking & driving)
  21. Nearby Dining (including distance, type of food and price range)
  22. Nearby Events
  23. Need-to-Know Destination Information
  24. Interesting Facts About the Destination
  25. Positive Media or News Coverage About the Destination
  26. Questions (open-ended questions like, “What was your favorite part of vacation?”)
  27. Frequently Asked Questions
  28. Surveys
  29. Polls
  30. Request for Help (name our new menu item, specialty drink, pool bar, etc.)
  31. Request for Feedback (how can we improve our hotel?)
  32. Facebook Live Videos
  33. Guest Interviews
  34. Share your top Vacation Photos
  35. Share your Best Resort Selfie
  36. Property Scavenger Hunt
  37. “Tag a Friend” (that you want to bring to our hotel, etc.)
  38. “Like & Share” (use calls to action to increase engagement)
  39. Room Giveaway
  40. Photo Caption Contest
  41. Video Submission Contest
  42. #MondayBlues
  43. #TravelTuesday
  44. #WineWednesday
  45. #WeddingWednesday
  46. #ThrowbackThursday
  47. #SundayFunday
  48. Holiday Posts
  49. Hotel Updates
  50. Property Blog Articles (cross-platform content sharing) 

Social Media Tips For Hotels

Now that you’ve got a sense of what your content might look like when it comes to social media, let’s look at a few general tips and tricks when considering your messaging across social media platforms. When you’re done reading, be sure to listen to the Hotel Marketing Podcast Episode 123 – Hotel Marketing 101: The Top 3 Things You Should Be Doing On Social Media.

Not All Channels Are Created Equal

Gone are the days when marketers could simply copy and paste posts across platforms. Each channel now has defined nuances, functionality and audiences that need to be taken into consideration. Your Instagram audience is likely very different than your Twitter or Facebook audience. Develop a solid understanding of how to effectively utilize each platform and who your audience is. Use tools to help you create a variety of content that is unique to the platform you’re posting it on. Some examples of helpful social media tools for hotels are:

  • TikTok
  • Boomerang
  • Ripl
  • Layout
  • Canva

Understand Your Core Audience

One foolproof way to get a feel for who your true page audience might be is to evaluate your page analytics or insights.

  • Facebook – You can access Facebook Insights via your hotel’s Facebook page on desktop or mobile and via Meta Business Suite on desktop.
  • Twitter – You can access Twitter Analytics via desktop from the left-hand menu bar or www.analytics.twitter.com. From mobile, you can view Tweet activity when you select a specific Tweet on your timeline.
  • Instagram – You can access Instagram Insights via Meta Business Suite on desktop or via your hotel’s Instagram profile on mobile.

You can also use this data to help drive your paid social media campaigns. Learn more about The Basics of Facebook Advertising.

Stick To Brand Standards

Maintaining a consistent image across all social media platforms is key. Make sure that your brand has established brand standards, social media guidelines and that everyone on your social media team is well acquainted with internal procedures.

Make Sure Entire Profile Is Complete

Make sure all profile fields are complete and up-to-date for your hotel. This includes page name, property description, website links, phone number, hours and more. You’ll also want to verify your page and set up a custom URL. Here are some helpful links:

Set Realistic Goals

Having a social media presence is essential – and so is measuring success! What key performance indicators (KPIs) are most important to your hotel? What are your social media goals? All of these are questions that should be asked and answered early on when developing your social media strategy.

Interact With Fans

Maintaining an active social media page but neglecting questions and comments is like managing a store and ignoring customers that raise a concern. Social media is just that – social. Interact with page fans by answering questions and responding to comments, reviews and private messages.

Be Genuine

Another important part of social media management is to maintain authenticity. Show your brand personality throughout posts and interactions and use a more casual, natural tone. Additionally, do not automatically delete negative responses and feedback. A squeaky-clean page can look suspicious unless it matches similar experiences on other platforms. Rather, respond to any negativity in a polite and timely manner and attempt to take the conversation offline. We like to recommend the “good, bad, ugly” rule. Keep the good and the bad but not the ugly. Any page content that is offensive or harmful should be flagged and removed.

80 / 20 Rule

Like many things in life, the 80 / 20 rule also applies to self-promotion on social media. 80 percent of the time you should be encouraging page engagement, sharing relevant content and being genuinely helpful. Save the remaining 20 percent for partnerships, promotions and positive reviews.

Don’t Forget To Test

Testing is an essential element of any marketing campaign and basic testing principles be applied to your social media campaigns, as well. Experiment with post type, time of the day, audience targeting and more to find what works for your brand.

Fostering a strong organic social media strategy is imperative in a post-iOS14 world of Facebook advertising. If you’re looking to get your social media business booming, we can help. TravelBoom boasts a team of experts in social media strategy. Contact us today for a free evaluation.

Alyssa Fate is the Client Success Manager at TravelBoom Marketing. Connect with Alyssa at LinkedIn.

About TravelBoom Marketing

TravelBoom specializes in developing and executing customized data-driven marketing solutions that drive direct bookings and growth for its clients. With over 25 years of experience in digital marketing for travel and hotels, TravelBoom leverages advanced data science and analytics to uncover insights and develop strategies that greatly enhance results for our clients and reduce reliance on third-party channels. TravelBoom is also host of the world’s #1 ranked Hotel Marketing Podcast and its quarterly Traveler Sentiment Study both of which can be found at www.travelboommarketing.com.